Command Detail - W

wc -l

gc c:\temp\file.txt | measure-object | select count

to show the number of non-blank lines:

gc c:\temp\file.txt | measure-object -line


This shows the user that you are logged on as:

[Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() | select name

whence or type

There isn't a close equivalent to the unix whence command, because within Powershell there isn't a PATH variable for scripts. The environment's PATH and PSMODULEPATH list the folders for windows executables and for Powershell modules.

get-command shows the location of the windows executable, the name of the Powershell module or the translation of the alias, as follows:

get-command whoami,Get-Command,invoke-sqlcmd,sserv,schtasks.exe | select name,version,source,DisplayName

Name          Version      Source                           DisplayName                      
----          -------      ------                           -----------                      
whoami.exe    10.0.17134.1 c:\windows\system32\whoami.exe                                    
Get-Command      Microsoft.PowerShell.Core                                         
Invoke-Sqlcmd 1.0          sqlps                                                             
sserv         0.0          WindowsStuff                     sserv -> show-nonstandardservices
schtasks.exe  10.0.17134.1 c:\windows\system32\schtasks.exe

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