Command Detail - L
There isn't a builtin PowerShell version of locate, but Chrissy LeMaire's has written an Invoke-Locate script, 'in the spirit of (Linux/Unix) GNU findutils' locate'. It works really well.
The PowerShell equivalent of the Unix ls is:
... for which there are aliases dir, ls and gci
ls -a
In linux, ls -a displays hidden files as well as 'normal' files.
So ls gives:
but ls -a gives
The Powershell equivalent of ls -a is get-childitem -force. Here, I've used the alias ls
ls -ltr
The Powershell equivalent of the unix ls -ltr (or the DOS dir /OD), which lists files last update order.
The unix command lsusb shows USB devices. The PowerShell equivalent is:
gwmi is an alias for get-wmiobject
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